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The Three Musketeers - A New Musical


Set Dumas’ tales of intrigue and melodramatic action to George Stiles’ often sung-through score and what do you get? The nearest thing to a Spanish zarzuela we are likely to see on an English stage.

Paris by moonlight in 1625 brings a French tango to the city, while a troupe of musketeers praises the excitement of A Good Old Fashioned War. One cries that he loves to fight but has no idea what he is fighting for – nor do we, given the convoluted plot.

Romance is gloriously dueted by Michael Pickering as a limber D’Artagnan in two passionate seduction numbers with blonde lover Constance (a portrayal of attractive grace by Kaisa Hammarlund). And there’s a solemn musical set-piece by Paul Thornley’s Athos, a dominating figure, as he warns his friend about fair-haired women.

Inventively staged and dynamically blocked by director and co-adaptor Francis Matthews, his hand-picked cast play with all the stops out on a challenging two-level timber and rope setting by Simon Higlett. There may be a few bruises before the end of the run. But Malcolm Ranson’s choreographed sword fights swiftly build the excitement, without the body count.

Overlong, but good for older kids.

Production Details
Production nameThe Three Musketeers - A New Musical
LocationKingston upon Thames
StartsNovember 27, 2010
EndsJanuary 2, 2011
Running time2hrs 40mins
AuthorPeter Raby, The Alexander Dumas
ComposerGeorge Stiles
Book writerFrancis Matthews
LyricistPaul Leigh
DirectorFrancis Matthews
Cast includesHal Fowler, Kaisa Hammarlund, Matt Rawle, Michael Pickering, Paul Thornley
ProducerBud Martin, Rose Theatre
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