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The Great Gatsby

“An inventive, immersive experience”
Thomas Maller in The Great Gatsby when the immersive show was at Vault Festival, London
Thomas Maller in The Great Gatsby when the immersive show was at Vault Festival, London

For its first few minutes this immersive version of The Great Gatsby feels like a fancy dress party with some theatre tacked on as an afterthought. Then the company perform one of several well-executed reveals and it’s clear that this is a more ambitious undertaking.

The production, the work of the Immersive Ensemble and the Guild of Misrule, has previously been seen in York and Sheffield. It’s the Vault Festival’s big-ticket show, running for the full six weeks and occupying one of the largest (and least clammy) rooms in this sprawling mass of tunnels, with a transfer already on the cards for the summer.

As well as a main space, housing the (eye wateringly expensive) bar, there are several smaller nooks and corners, allowing for more intimate encounters. What’s impressive is how many of the book’s emotional notes the cast manage to strike while simultaneously shepherding large numbers of tiddly audience members in flapper dresses around the place. The level of narrative clarity achieved in Alexander Wright’s adaption is also notable, especially given how often the cast are obliged to bust out Benny Goodman’s Sing Sing Sing.

There are one-on-one encounters to be had with Thomas Maller’s suitably intimidating and boorish Tom and Veronica Hare’s blousey Myrtle, while Dan Dingsdale’s Nick Carraway elegantly knits everything together (no small job). The company might not have a Punchdrunk-sized budget to play with but Robert Readman and the design team have made the space atmospheric.

Fitzgerald’s novel of ambition, privilege and the protective cocoon of wealth, has lost none of its potency. Costume has always been integral to the story – Gatsby’s gold tie, the cloud of shirts – and so it seems apt, if not a little ironic, that there as many pearls, sequins, two-tone brogues and feathers, in the audience as among the cast, and that, after the melancholy denouement, the music kicks in again, and the party continues.

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Production Details
Production nameThe Great Gatsby
StartsJanuary 25, 2017
EndsMarch 6, 20167
Running time2hrs
AuthorThe Company
DirectorAlexander Wright
ChoreographerHolly Beasley-Garrigan
Set designerRobert Readman
Sound designerPhil Grainger
Cast includesAmie Burns Walker, Hannah Davies, Holly Beasley-Garrigan, Michael Lambourne, Oliver Tilney, Phil Grainger, Thomas Maller
ProducerThe Guild Of Misrule, The Immersive
VerdictPart inventive, immersive experience, part irony-blind champagne-fuelled fancy dress party
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