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Clockwise from top left: Indhu Rubasingham, Nadia Fall, Rachel O'Riordan, Michelle Terry, Roxanna Silbert and Vicky Featherstone Photos Mark Douet/Sharron Wallace/Pip/Jill Mead/Kris Askey
Clockwise from top left: Indhu Rubasingham, Nadia Fall, Rachel O'Riordan, Michelle Terry, Roxanna Silbert and Vicky Featherstone Photos Mark Douet/Sharron Wallace/Pip/Jill Mead/Kris Askey
Rosemary Waugh

Rosemary Waugh

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Royal Exchange chief executive Stephen Freeman resigns after censorship row

Royal Exchange chief executive Stephen Freeman resigns after censorship row

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Northern Ballet criticised for ‘inexplicable’ move over orchestra make-up

Northern Ballet criticised for ‘inexplicable’ move over orchestra make-up

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