Campaigners fighting to save Scarborough’s Futurist Theatre have issued legal proceedings seeking a judicial review of the council’s decision to demolish the venue.
The Save the Futurist campaign group has begun proceedings against Scarborough Borough Council in an attempt to stop plans to pull the building down.
The campaign has employed a team of solicitors to help it try and overturn the decision, made by Scarborough council in January.
The group said: “This action is costly but has had to be taken in an attempt to stop demolition of the Futurist Theatre. The legal fight has only just begun… There is now a concrete focus to rally around and this is the best chance that our local, national and international supporters have to do something real and practical to save the Futurist.”
The campaigners are also fundraising in order to continue legal proceedings.
The Theatres Trust has supported the group’s latest efforts, emphasising that a refurbished Futurist could play a significant role in bringing live entertainment and events to the town.
“We have seen the value that the local community places in the Futurist and advocate ensuring that the viability of the theatre is fully considered before any final decision on the demolition of the building is taken.”
Following the council’s decision earlier this year to demolish the former theatre – which has been derelict since 2014 – the campaign attempted to get the building listed in order to stave off demolition. However, the application was rejected.
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