New culture secretary Karen Bradley has vowed that the government will put the creative industries “at the heart” of a new industrial strategy being drawn up.
Speaking at the second anniversary celebrations of the Creative Industries Federation, she said business secretary Greg Clark was currently developing the strategy for the UK.
She said: “The creative industries are and will be at the heart of this government’s work on industrial strategy. It’s one of the major growth areas in the country and I want to assure you that I, Greg, the prime minister and others understand just how important our industries are to the UK economy. We are going to do everything we can to give you the tools you need to continue with the amazing success you have demonstrated to date.”
She emphasised the 1.9 million jobs in the creative sectors and the £87.4 billion the industries generate.
Bradley said she predicted “great things” for the creative industries and added: “The government is right behind you.”
Clark, also speaking at the event, said the creative industries would be “absolutely foundational” to the industrial strategy.
He added: “It’s impossible to separate London’s economic success from its cultural success, from theatre to architecture, music to fashion, design to dance – people choose to live and work and flock to London because it’s a hotbed of innovation and excitement.”
Also speaking at the event was Scottish cabinet secretary for culture Fiona Hyslop, who used her speech to call for the UK to remain part of the single market post-Brexit.
She described the freedom of movement of people as “critical” to the creative sectors, and added: “Access to ideas, talent and experiences, and creative exchanges – which the freedom of movement provides in the single market – will be essential to the flourishing of our industries.”
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