Jon As a celebration of stage management, I’d like to give the actors among us the chance to ask our stage management contributors whatever you like from behind a cloak of anonymity!
Charlotte Go easy on us!
Ros Yes, be gentle.
John Okay, what are the most annoying things actors can do/say?
Charlotte Be late.
Ros Be late.
Jon Lateness. Noted!
Jenny So – something I think a lot of actors don’t know about – what working hours do stage managers have to work? You’re there before us and after us!
Ros On a rehearsal day, up to an hour before rehearsals start and up to an hour after they finish. Much the same on show days, actually. But it depends on the show and the process.
Charlotte Stage managers are contracted for the same working hours as actors. This does prove difficult, and is why we often do so much overtime as we need to be there before and after you all.
Albert Do you think that removing acting assistant stage managers has lessened actors’ respect for stage management?
Charlotte I never liked the role of acting ASM. They are two completely different jobs.
Ros Agreed.
Jon I think (having been one myself) there is a tendency among acting ASMs, which I tried to quash, to concentrate on the acting more than the stage managing.
Charlotte Yes, you get an actor who just wants to be an actor, so their heart isn’t in it. It’s not their fault they’re being asked to do a job they don’t want to do. I don’t think it has affected respect for stage management – the majority of actors I work with are very respectful of us.
Ros Charlotte may disagree with me, but I think the respect for stage management thing is pretty generational. I get a lot more respect from older actors than I do younger ones. But on the whole, I’ve always been really lucky with the respect.
Albert Stage management is a trained, skilled job and a calling.
Beryl What’s your favourite part of a process?
Ros The tech rehearsal!
Beryl Of course!
Charlotte Oh god, I hate tech!
Jon The eternal debate – is tech fun or not? (The correct answer: the first session is loads of fun, with diminishing returns thereafter).
Ros Well, I think it is. But maybe that’s because I mostly deputy stage manage and so it’s busy and challenging for me. I’ve also learned to make it fun.
Albert Actors think tech is for them. We are told it’s for stage management and crew.
John Yes, I remember being told that “the tech is for stage management”! I thought, it’s kinda for all of us, isn’t it?
Charlotte It’s rehearsals for me.
Abi What can actors do to make your jobs easier? Other than be on time!
Charlotte Wash up mugs/throw away rubbish.
Ros This all day.
John Yes. Weird that some actors think that is someone else’s job!
Jon Drives me wild. I always end up doing a load. Loudly and ostentatiously. ‘What a lot of mugs!’
Charlotte Going back to the hours we work, the last thing we want to do at the end of the day when we have stayed an hour later is wash and tidy up.
Ros The amount of times I’ve had to print signs and give the talk…
Charlotte Putting things in the sink is not washing up either!
John Get cast members to bring their own mugs, and if they don’t get washed, bin them.
Ros Also, going back to Abi’s question, we’re as much a part of the show as you are so don’t exclude us, or not bother to get to know us.
Jenny I meet so many actors who don’t bother with stage management – it’s a complete ignorance about the job and the work. I think it needs to be something flagged in training. It’s atrocious.
Ros I have to say, Jenny, I do feel like it all starts at drama school.
Beryl I find it weird. And yes, it should be talked about in training. “You’ll be part of a company.”
‘Many actors don’t bother with stage management – it’s a complete ignorance about the job and the work’
Jenny We had a stage management course where I went, but there was so little mixing of courses. They were in a totally different building – about a mile away.
Ros That’s mad.
John I spent two months working as a tech DSM (I was crew and jumped in last minute) and it was illuminating to see the way some actors behave.
Jenny What qualities make a good SM?
Charlotte Oh gosh, there are the obvious ones like good organisation and communication.
Ros Patience, compassion, attention to detail, a good sense of humour.
Jon I’ll add one final, cheeky question before we go – which department other than actors gives you the most trouble?
Beryl Oooooh!
Charlotte Ummm…
Ros Hahaha. No comment.
Jon Worth a try! And it’s the band, isn’t it?
Charlotte I love a band, turn up on time, do the job, go to the pub!
Jenny Cough ‘wardrobe’ cough.
John I was going to say ‘the creatives’.
Jenny Look at us all pointing fingers!
We have given our panellists pen names and used stock images, but their biographies reflect their real career details. If you work in theatre and would like to join in the conversation, email
Abi Egerman is in her 20s and has appeared at the Old Vic, the National Theatre, and in regional rep
Ros Clifford is in her 30s. Currently a deputy stage manager, she has worked extensively in London and regional theatre for nine years
Charlotte Osmand is in her 30s and has worked as a stage manager at venues across the UK, as well as in event management
Albert Parker is in his 60s and has appeared as a regular in soaps, two BAFTA-winning sitcoms, theatre and TV
John Pepper is in his 30s and has worked as an actor in regional theatres, the National and in radio, television and film
Beryl Phoenix is in her 40s. She has played leading roles at the Royal Shakespeare Company, worked on new plays, and toured both nationally and internationally
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