A childhood filled with dance and stage school led to an enduring interest in performance and the arts.
Initially, I was a drama teacher. I then moved into running my own successful youth theatre company, called Glow Theatre Group. I direct and produce up to 10 shows a year for my own company. I now also work for Head2Head and am part of this amazing charity that provides accessible and inclusive theatre experiences to children and young adults.
Learn the basics really well and try lots of different things – there is no better attribute than experience. Be open to all opportunities – there is no better skill than flexibility. Be aware of how blessed you are to have ability and talent – there is no greater grace than humility and gratitude.
I’d love to see more top-quality performances being brought to people at accessible prices – great arts accessible to all would be my goal.
No day is ever the same.
No day is ever the same.
Working for Head2Head has shown me how amazing our actors are – they take their skills and deliver incredible experiences, making theatre accessible to those who would otherwise not be able to engage with it. This work may not bring personal glory, but it most certainly brings great personal reward. This work is purely about artists giving – and I’ve seen the empowerment and enjoyment it can bring to young people living with additional needs. My work here has been a fantastic reminder of how theatre and the arts are and should be a joy for all.
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