A unique experiential programme for developing the director’s individual voice and vision.
Live performance is, at the moment, undergoing a significant change. A great variety of new forms, new technologies, new thinking about drama, theatre and performance, innovative approaches to story-telling (with growing budget limitations) call for a highly trained, versatile and imaginative professional director, able to generate ideas, unlock classical and new pieces of dramatic writing, breathe life into them and discover an urgent, contemporary, vital reason for putting them on in collaboration with writers, designers and actors.
The Contemporary Directing Practice MA/MFA offers an experiential programme of developing a vocabulary and finding your own voice and vision as a director while acquiring and honing a diverse variety of skills, techniques, tools and devices.
The MA Programme is 13 months long, and the graduates qualify in October of Year Two with the presentation of their Independent Research Project. MFA students commence their Year Two with a fully resourced production of a One-Act Play, followed by a Professional Placement Module and, notably, Directing for Camera (resulting in the writing and directing of a short film). The MFA concludes with the Independent Professional Directing Project to be delivered by October 2023.
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