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An Inspector Calls

“A timely revival”

Stephen Daldry’s 1992 National Theatre production of An Inspector Calls is a fascinating theatrical artefact, simultaneously a thing of its time and a play for today (this week more so than ever it seems).

First performed in 1945, JB Priestley’s play still feels dispiritingly, dismayingly relevant. It’s a plea for social responsibility, for compassion and humanity, for people to look at the world and each other beyond the frame of their self-interest.

The conceit of the encasing the wealthy Birling family in an Alice in Wonderland-style house, a drawing room cocoon, remains striking. The family’s gilded home unfolds as their world is disrupted by the arrival of Inspector Goole, bringing news of a young woman’s suicide in which they are all in some way complicit.

Liam Brennan – winner of The Stage Edinburgh Award for his compelling performance in the Gate Theatre’s recent production of Diary of a Madman – is magnetic as Goole, his fury barely contained. Clive Francis and the wonderfully imperious Barbara Marten give suitably over-sized performances as the senior Birlings, stiff with privilege, jolted only briefly out of their comfort and complacency. Not all the performances are as controlled – there are discrepancies of scale – and there are some noticeable creaks and wheezes in this latest West End revival, along with a faint taste of ham. But it remains a remarkable spectacle, a piece of theatre history that speaks to the world in which we live.


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Production Details
Production nameAn Inspector Calls
VenuePlayhouse Theatre
StartsNovember 4, 2016
EndsFebruary 4, 2017
Running time1hr 45mins
AuthorJB Priestley
DirectorStephen Daldry
Set designerIan MacNeil
Lighting designerRick Fisher
Sound designerSebastian Frost
Cast includesClive Francis, Barbara Marten, Carmela Corbett, Diana Payne-Myers, Hamish Riddle, Liam Brennan, Matthew Douglas
Production managerSimon Reynolds
Stage managerEmma Banwell
ProducerPeter Wilson for PW Productions
VerdictSolid and timely West End revival of Stephen Daldry's classic production
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