“The Stage Debut Awards are such a fundamental, important part of the industry. If you’re the Oliviers or the Tonys or whatever, you’re representing people who have sort of got there already. This is where the future happens – in this room. And that’s an incredibly exciting room to be in.” – Awards presenter, playwright Chris Bush
“I’m not used to doing it outside of the theatre. It’s weird. I was trying to sing [in rehearsals] like: ‘Do I even know these words?’ If I don’t have the orchestra or the set... it does make it all different and you make different choices.” – Timmika Ramsay on performing a number from Guys and Dolls solo at the ceremony
“London and the West End are so commercial. There’s so much at stake, it’s harder to take risks. Maybe something regional theatres have that London doesn’t have is an ability to take risks on new work that doesn’t necessarily have big names behind it.” – Winner Jack Godfrey on creating new musicals outside London
“Fascism is terrifyingly coming back in a nasty way and we are mirroring society. It makes it that much more important because this is very much a warning message from history to not repeat ourselves.” – Nominee Joshua Ginsberg on his play Cable Street’s relevance
“I never imagined I’d do theatre. I trained in screen. Primarily, this process has taught me it’s importance not to limit yourself... This would only be possible if I dared to take that leap and if people dared to let me in, to say: ‘I think Louis could do a good job,’ when this I’ve never been on stage before.” – Winner Louis McCartney
“I’m trying to find my own sexy style and way of carrying myself. I think Michael has definitely rubbed off on me. I had to pull out the black sequins to represent him tonight.” – Nominee Myles Frost on his Michael Jackson-inspired attire
“I was so shocked when I won last year. So I’ve got the same mentality, really: I’m turning up, having a good time. It’s lovely to sit back and feel no pressure whatsoever and be cheering everyone on.” – 2023 winner Rob Madge
“Be nice to everyone. I don’t think that was necessarily a lesson I had to learn, but the people I have learned the most from and respected on set and in the rehearsal room are kind and generous and patient with everyone regardless of status.” – Presenter Pearl Mackie on what she’s learned in her career
“Slay.” “Gorgeous!” – Presenters Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss each give one word to describe the evening
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