Liz Whitbread is a member of Clean Break, which is where she developed her interest in theatre design. She tells Giverny Masso about co-designing Clean Break’s 40th-anniversary exhibition I Am a Theatre with artist Miriam Nabarro…
After many years of being a mother and a carer, I ventured across Clean Break and I started on its short courses. There was a backstage one and an introduction to drama. I did a set and costume design course a year later. I didn’t really click into it then, but I did love it. It was a few years later when I thought: ‘I like doing that.’ Being a single mum and having no money, I wasn’t really into the theatre, so I got drawn into it by Clean Break’s short courses.
In 1979 when Clean Break was starting out, I trained as a window dresser. And it clicked one day that I felt I was good at it – I’m confident with it.
Being the oldest student, I thought I would struggle. But I think when you’re a designer you’re creative and you’re more in that mindset. I was in a room of young people in the same mindset. I’ve never been with such a large amount of people where I’ve thought: ‘I feel like we’re on the same page here.’ They were lovely people.
It’s about two women, Jacqueline Holborough and Jennifer Hicks, who started Clean Break in 1979. We’ll be having a feature wall of the founding years. They worked on getting women’s voices heard from prison, it’s just amazing. That led on to producing plays and then there was the education part. So we have a wall of productions and a wall about the education work and how Clean Break in Kentish Town came about. The support it has provided to help women to gain confidence is amazing.
It’s been great. It’s been lovely drawing from what I trained for years ago – that was really exciting. It’s been really fun working with Miriam as well. I’m still a bit wet behind the ears, so having her knowledge has been helpful. But also being able to talk from my experience of being at Clean Break as a member has helped me to give guidance. [I want to] put across [what it’s like to be given] the support and the space to have a second chance or a clean break.
Training: BA in theatre and set design at Wimbledon College of Arts, University Arts London (2016-19); Foundation in art and design at Working Men’s College in London (2015-16)
First professional role: Co-designing I Am a Theatre for Clean Break
Agent: None
I Am a Theatre runs from June 24 to July 31 at Swiss Cottage Gallery in London. For more information go to:
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