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Joe Robertson and Joe Murphy

“Theatre is a collaborative art form, we just start the process a little earlier”
Playwriting partnership and Good Chance’s co-founders Joe Robertson (left) and Joe Murphy at the premiere of Kyoto in Stratford-upon-Avon. Photo: Nicola Young for the RSC
Playwriting partnership and Good Chance’s co-founders Joe Robertson (left) and Joe Murphy at the premiere of Kyoto in Stratford-upon-Avon. Photo: Nicola Young for the RSC
Good Chance’s Joe Robertson and Joe Murphy have not had conventional creative careers. They’ve set up a temporary theatre in a migrant camp, co-written plays, and sent a giant puppet on a walk across numerous countries – so how do they define themselves? The pair talk to Andrzej Łukowski about their pasts, presents and their future aims for writing about climate change

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