We believe that access to art brings joy, empowers people, and draws them together.
We provide world-class, accessible creative experiences and performances on the doorstep of people in Newham and East London. We believe that access to art brings joy, empowers people, and draws them together.
Stratford Circus Arts Centre is a vibrant place to create and experience art through world-class theatre, dance, music and circus and visual exhibitions and we present work for families, young people and adults. We support national, international and East London artists to create new work that is relevant to local people, connecting artists and audiences to help them find authentic voices.
Our creative learning programme works with local schools and community organisations to introduce local people to artistic experiences through workshops and bespoke creative learning projects.
We are proud to be a partner of the East London Cultural Education Alliance, delivering outstanding creative opportunities for children and young people across East London.
Our modern and versatile building receives more than 125,000 visits a year and is a key resource for the local community. We regularly hire out space to artists, schools and local groups as well as corporate clients and promoters.
Stratford Circus Arts Centre is a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England and a registered charity. Any income we make goes directly back into our work.